• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • Quality
    Editor: 90%
  • Education
    Editor: 90%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 90%
  • Value
    Editor: 90%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 80%

Review Summary:

The Story of Kalkalilh is a beautifully illustrated story with a traditional feel that encourages kids to listen to their parents.

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App Info

Price: [app 666959376] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app] Download on the App Store


The Story of Kalkalilh tells the tale of Thomas and Lily as they visit their Mooshum and Kookum’s house in the Rocky Mountains. When Lily sneaks out of bed and gets into mischief, Mooshum decides to tell the children a story he was told as a boy. As Thomas, Lily, and kids enjoying the app listen to the story, they learn a lesson about the importance of obeying grownups and a few Squamish words as well. While a cute story with a great lesson, parents may want to introduce kids to the story during the daytime to avoid nightmares involving toe-eating women and laughing skulls.

Features include:

  • A tale with a moral
  • Available in 4 languages
  • Read to Me, Read to Myself, and Autoplay options
  • Highlighted text


Beautiful illustrations that have a classic feel greet kids as they start reading the story. While the illustrations in the story lack a lot of interactivity, they offer just enough movement to keep kids interested. They’ll also find clear narration with the Read to Me option and highlighted words that introduce them to some Squamish terms. All of these features give the story a quality feel.


The story itself focuses on teaching kids a lesson about obeying their parents by staying in bed. This is done through the story of Thomas and Lily, and the story of Kalkalilh which is embedded within the more modern story. In addition to the moral lesson, the story helps kids build their reading and vocabulary skills through text highlighting and by pulling out key vocabulary words for kids. The language of the story itself introduces kids to new vocabulary words as well, using bigger words such as “scolds” and “picturesque.”


Some kids will relate to Thomas as he plays the responsible older brother who wants to keep his sister from getting them in trouble. Others will relate to Lily and her mischievous side. Whatever character they relate to most, they’ll enjoy reading through the story and interacting with the characters. They’ll also be intrigued by Kalkalilh and her laughing skulls, as well as the suspense of wondering whether the children will get out of the evil woman’s house.


The Story of Kalkalilh holds its own against similarly priced interactive eBooks. What it lacks in interactivity it makes up for in a cute, quality story that teaches kids a valuable lesson.

Child Friendliness

Kids will find the story easy to read through, choosing from a Read to Me or Read to Myself option. They’ll also be able to access the story in English, French, Spanish, or Squamish. A parental lock required parents to set a clock to access the content not designed for kids, but a few times the clock pops up at the stated time, making it easy for kids to accidentally click the lock and access that content.

The Story of Kalkalilh is a beautifully illustrated story with a traditional feel that encourages kids to listen to their parents.

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars