• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • Four Little Corners
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 100%
  • Education
    Editor: 90%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 90%
  • Value
    Editor: 90%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 100%

Review Summary:

Four Little Corners is a lovely story with simple illustrations that teaches children a valuable life lesson about friendship and fitting in. Parents this app is a must-have!

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App Info

Price: [app 598573155] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app]

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Four Little Corners is a charming storybook app that teaches children a very important lesson about friendship through brightly colored shapes. This app is simple to use and includes a wonderful story told in a very unique way that children can easily understand and relate to. Parents, this is a must-have storybook app as it is very well done!

Features include:

  • Friendship lesson
  • Simple set up
  • Narration throughout


It is so amazing that such a simple app can be full of high quality features. Four Little Corners is a well planned and and executed app with bright colors and simple images that children will love. The developers have gotten very creative and used simple shapes (circles and one square) as the characters to tell a lovely story. With a white background and brightly colored shapes, the contrast of each page really draws you into the story. The wonderful narration and sound effects complete the experience and creates a very engaging story for children to enjoy.


While this app is specifically an educational app, it does offer a valuable lesson in teaching children about friendship and equality. The story includes a square who is friends with a bunch of circles. The circles retreat indoors through a circle shaped door only to find the square can’t fit. The square tries with all his might to change so he can fit in the door but nothing works The circles want to include him so much they get the wonderful idea to cut out four corners from the doorway so the square can fit it.

This fun storytelling method teaches children a very valuable lesson that parents can expand upon with further discussion. Some of my favorite e-books include important life lessons told in a very creative way and Four Little Corners is one of my new favorites. It is also worth it to mention this storybook does not include text highlighting like many of the other e-books in the app store, as some parents prefer that feature.


While this app isn’t equipped with specific games or entertainment activities, the story itself is quite entertaining. There are interactive pieces throughout the story that allow children to tap and touch the shapes to watch them come to life as they move through the story which is great.


Priced at just under three dollars this app is a wonderful deal. The time and effort that went into creating this app, not to mention the story itself is clear. The narration, animation, sound effects, and the intuitive interface makes this app one that will quickly become a family favorite especially for young children.

Child Friendliness

The developers have done a nice job of including gentle prompts to guide children to the interactive features in the app. They have also included arrows at the bottom of each page to assist readers as they move through the story. The narration is great for young children so they too can enjoy the story without a ton of assistance.

Parents can rest assured knowing that the app is safe to use too. With no in app purchase links or advertisements to be concerned children can enjoy the story over and over again without worry.

Four Little Corners is a lovely story with simple illustrations that teaches children a valuable life lesson about friendship and fitting in. Parents this app is a must-have!

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars