• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • Chris P. Bacon
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 100%
  • Education
    Editor: 95%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 95%
  • Value
    Editor: 90%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 90%

Review Summary:

Chris P. Bacon, a special little pig, teaches kids to love themselves, differences and all.

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App Info

Price: [app 762952888] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app] Download on the App Store


Follow along as Chris P. Bacon, an adorable pig who has lost the use of his back legs, tells of how he discovered he was “yooooo-neek!” As kids listen to Chris read the story, they meet the important people in his life, including Dr. Len and his pals Duma (the cat), Aspen (the dog), a horse, and a goat. Kids also learn how Chris goes from being just a special pig to a YouTube sensation. Chris’ message will inspire kids to embrace their own unique qualities.

Features include:

  • Based on a true story
  • Customizable narration
  • Tapping pictures displays words
  • Highlighted words


Oceanhouse Media delivers another quality interactive e-book. This delightful story about a very special pig successfully combines colorful illustrations with real-life photos of Chris P. Bacon. Kids will love not only looking at the photos, but hearing Chris’ cute voice as he narrates the story. For a little something different, kids and parents can switch up the narration by easily recording their own version of the story as well.


As kids read the story, they will encounter numerous context clues to help them understand some of the bigger words. For example, kids learn that a veterinarian works with animals and that to be inspiring makes people feel like they want to do their very best. In addition to these context clues placed throughout the text, kids can tap on pictures to learn new vocabulary words and tap on words within the text to hear them pronounced.


Chris’ cuteness, combined with his squeaky voice, makes the story a delight for kids to read. They’ll also appreciate many of the subtle touches, such as confetti falling during a dinner party, and the cheering when Chris meets some of his fans.


For some kids, the story will seem long, but the length of the story helps make the purchase much more worthwhile. With the simple navigation system, kids can easily leave the story and start right where they left off when they return to it again.

Child Friendliness

Before letting kids read the story, parents will want to enter the info section to turn off the “news” option. This way kids will not be distracted by the latest app information popping up when they first open the app. While icons on the main screen direct kids to the Oceanhouse Media bookshelf and other apps, they must follow specific directions designed to ensure only grownups gain access to the download screen. These temporary distractions will not keep kids from starting the story and learning about the value in being unique.

Chris P. Bacon, a special little pig, teaches kids to love themselves, differences and all.

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars