Is A Baby Spitting Up Clear Liquid In Danger? Know What Is Normal & What is Not)

Is A Baby Spitting Up Clear Liquid In Danger? What Is Normal, And Know What’s Not

New moms and dads often worry when the baby unexpectedly shows a new behavior or when something weird happens with their child. One of these occurrences is when the baby will suddenly spit up clear liquid.

The main focus of this article is to help parents know what is happening with their child if he or she suddenly starts to spit up clear liquid. I want you to know why this happens and if it should be a cause for alarm especially when it happens frequently, and when the baby spits a lot of liquid.

Read on so you will know whether a baby spitting up clear liquid is alright.

Why Is The Baby Spitting Up Clear Liquid?

It is not unusual for the baby to spit. When the baby is teething, he or she can keep I drooling. However if the baby spits up a large volume of clear liquid all at once, it maybe because the child is having a gastroesophageal reflux. In most cases, reflux is normal for babies especially after feeding.

The baby can also spit up a clear liquid after burping. It can be common for babies to spit up especially if he or she has been given too much milk. The baby can also burp after too much playing, this is because too much laughing, or movement might trigger the baby’s gag reflex unexpectedly.

Parents however, should take note that not all spit ups are normal. This is because the baby can also spit up when he or she is nauseated, or when the baby feels sick. This is why you should check if your baby is feeling ill whenever you see your child spit up liquid just to be safe.

What Should I Be Aware Of If The Baby Is Spitting Up?

You need to know how to differentiate drooling and spit ups first. Unlike drooling, spit ups contain a lot of saliva and in most cases, it is almost like a small vomit. Some parents even say that sometimes, the liquid will roll out of the baby’s mouth, or that it will be shot out of the mouth with some force.

Next, you should identify what kind of spit up the baby is having. If the baby spits up a clear white liquid after drinking milk, there is a good chance that it is just saliva. This is especially true if you see the baby spit up after burping. Other types of spit ups include the following:

  • The baby can also spit up a milky-white liquid, this should also not be a cause for worry simply because it is just probably milk and saliva.
  • The baby can spit up white liquid that contains cheese-like chunks. This happens typically after burping and it is just curdled milk.
  • The baby can also spit up a large white mass, this is a result of a strong gag reflex.
  • If the baby is spitting up yellow, green, or red liquid, your baby may be sick and he or she might need immediate medical help.

When Should I Be Worried Of My Baby’s Spit Ups?

Some spit ups can be an indication that your baby is not feeling well. This is why if your baby is frequently spitting up, you need to check your child for other telltale signs of sickness. You should also consider the following questions:

  • Is your child losing weight, or looking thinner?
  • Is your child have forceful spit ups?
  • Is your baby having a fever?
  • Is your child spitting up clear white liquid or does the liquid have a distinct color?
  • Does your child have blood in his or her stool?

Spit ups can be a sign that your baby is not feeling well. Your child might be suffering from food sensitivities, or he or she may have a Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Yellowish or greenish discolorations may also be caused by mucus, or by bile.

Spit ups can also be a sign that your baby is having breathing difficulties or allergies. It is also possible that your baby is suffering from gastroenteritis or a stomach infection. If you have any concerns with the baby’s spit ups, you should take your child to the doctor.

What Should I Do To Stop My Baby’s Spit Ups?


In most cases, the spit up happens simply because the baby’s lower esophageal sphincter is not yet mature enough to properly hold the contents of the baby’s stomach properly. This is why experts recommend that the baby should be fed in an upright position to help minimize spit ups.

Parents should avoid overfeeding their baby. If the baby wants more milk, you can feed the baby more frequently instead. You can feed the baby a few ounces, then let the baby rest or play before resuming the feeding.The baby should also be given ample time to burp after each feeding.

You can also make sure that the baby is not exposed to cigarette smoke, or to any strong odors. Breastfeeding mothers are can also opt to eat foods that do not contain any allergens so that the baby can digest the milk easily. You can stay away from seafood, nuts, honey, and dairy for the mean time.


If the baby is spitting up clear liquid, there is a huge chance that the baby is simply having a harmless reflux. Parents however, should take a closer look at their babies to make sure that the child does not have any other symptoms so you will know for sure that the baby is not in any danger.

Should the baby suffer from frequent spit ups, the parents can feed the baby upright and they can also make sure that the baby is given enough time to burp properly. If the baby shows any signs of distress, or symptoms of other illness, you should take your child to his or her doctor right away.