How To Train Your Dragon- Kids Book HD – FrogDogMedia LLC
Rating: 5 out of 5
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iPhone / iPod app / iPad: $2.99
Universal app: $2.99
How To Train Your Dragon must have been one of my favorite films this year – and the ebook is pretty great too. Now I have recently complained when ebooks don’t have any additional interactivity, such as coloring pages or games, etc. However, at $2.99 this is priced perfectly for a standalone ebook. The style of the book reflects the beauty of the animated movie – with some parts voiced by the original actors.
The default settings in the How To Train Your Dragon ebook is narrated, with highlighted text and auto page turn. You can turn any of these settings off in via the “info” screen.
Plus, this is a universal app – hooray – which means it looks great on your iPhone / iPod / iPad and you don’t have to pay twice to appreciate it!
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