• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4 stars
  • Recommended

  • Fresh
  • Reviewed by:
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  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 80%
  • Education
    Editor: 80%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 80%
  • Value
    Editor: 90%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 90%

Review Summary:

An awesome quiz app for kids that teaches them to identify healthy fruits and vegetables.

[appimg 680243021]

App Info

Price: [app 680243021] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app]

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Another app featured in our Healthy Eating Apps For Kids post that will help children identify delicious fruits and vegetables through a variety of questions. This simple app is full of bright colors and illustrations that young children will love.

Features include:

  • 110 Quiz questions
  • Narration
  • Hand painted illustrations
  • 4 Play options


Fresh is a simple yet effective app that uses visual cues and narration to teach children to identify a variety of healthy fruits and vegetables. The easy to use interface uses tap/touch technology for children to select the correct fruits and vegetables that answer the narrators question. The illustrations are also brightly colored and are hand painted versions of a variety of foods and are simply gorgeous.


Fresh is a great way to teach children to identify a variety of common and unique fruits and vegetables. The narrator will begin by presenting a few foods and then ask a question. The idea is to tap the correct fruit or veggie that correctly answers the question. As the questions progress, more food choices are shown, making the task a bit more difficult and challenging. For visual and auditory learners this is a great app. Another added bonus with this app is that it only includes good healthy foods for children to learn and provides positive re-enforcement for children as they play. There are also a wide variety of language options for parents who may want to have their little one exposed to other languages.


While children are learning to identify various fruits and veggies they also have four play options. They can play alone, against a clock, with a partner, or against an opponent. This added feature creates a fun game-like environment that children will love.


Parents will be happy to know this simple educational app is absolutely free. With an abundance of hand painted illustrations and 110 questions in the app, this is a great deal!

Child Friendliness

Not only is this app easy to use, but it is also very visually appealing which is great for young children. The simple tap/touch technology allows children to tap each food as they answer the variety of questions in the app easily. Parents will also be happy to know that there are no advertisements, social media links, or in-app purchase links to be concerned with. Children can simply move through the app at their own speed without being distracted.

An awesome quiz app for kids that teaches them to identify healthy fruits and vegetables.

Editor rating
Rated 4 stars