More Kid Date Night Ideas

Need more “date night” ideas where your kids are concerned? Who doesn’t? Review the following ideas and enjoy spending fun nights out (or in) with the younglings:

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Let’s face it: those who don’t love bowling are few and far between. It may surprise you to find even little kids get into the idea of throwing/rolling a heavy ball at a set of pins. Plan a bowling night with the family and see if everyone doesn’t have a great time.

Go-Kart Racing

If your kids are old enough, try taking them go-kart racing. Review the venue for difficulty level first, as the “carts” feature very real motors and generally go very fast. However, the fun of zooming around a curve-tastic track is hard to beat!

Roller Skating Rink

The local roller skating rink is a fun night that also allows you to get some exercise. Such rinks frequently feature arcade areas as well.


An afternoon of fun at the park with one of your kids is a budget-friendly idea that’s plenty of fun. Help the little ‘un where needed and otherwise enjoy keeping a weather eye on him or her at all times. Plan a park date with each of your kids.

Fancy Restaurant

Have older children? Instruct them to dress up for a night out at a fancier restaurant. They’ll feel really special and grown up dining out with just mom or dad. It also gives you a chance to teach them more about how to act at a “classy” establishment.


Another great date night idea to do with older children is going to a play. Take a minute to find out what’s playing near you and come up with something you’ll all enjoy, such as a new musical or classic play. A night at the theater is another “grown up” activity that involves wearing nice clothes…your older kiddies will love it!

Nature Trail

Any nature trails in your area are well worth exploring with the kids. Find something that features lots of flora and fauna and go for it….it’s a way to instill a love of nature in your spawn.

Living Room Sleepover

A sleepover in the living room that includes movies, board games, and junk food is yet another great kid date night idea. After all, who says you have to leave the house to have a good time? Plan a fun evening with everyone and enjoy many hours of laughter.