Puzzle Me app by SID OnPuzzle Me app by SID On

Rating: 4 out of 5
Buy it? Yes
iPhone / iPod / iPad app:  $0.99
iPad Only / HD app:  n/a
Universal app : $0.99

Solar Walk 3D app


Why is it a best app for kids?
For $0.99 you get 50 puzzles and 4 levels (very easy, easy, normal and hard). That’s great value for money!

Unlike some of the other puzzle apps that I’ve reviewed, PuzzleMe is a basic, straight forward puzzle app. However, what it does have that the others don’t is a lot of puzzles with more sets that can be added for $0.99 a pack.

If your child loves the challenge of puzzles, then they will probably quickly outgrow the other puzzle apps that I have featured. With PuzzleMe you start off with 50 puzzles in 4 levels. The easiest level has 6 pieces, so is good for toddlers while the difficult level has 36 pieces and probably good for up to 6 year olds.

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