[appimg 413704441]
App Info
Price: [app 413704441] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app]
Max And The Magic Marker is a game that mixes drawing with platform jumping fun. This is a game that really provides hours of fun.
Features include:
Amazing hand drawn style graphics
Mixes platform and physics based gaming
Max And The Magic Marker is a very good looking game. While some parents may not be too game “savvy” when a game has the EA logo on it that usually means you are going to be playing a very good looking game. And that is the case here. The whole game looks like a mix between a Saturday morning cartoon and a child’s coloring book. A great deal of love clearly went into not only creating little Max, but also the world that he is living in as well. Max And The Magic Marker is certainly a game that has been very well made in every regard.
As this is a physics based game there is a fair amount of educational value here. You see while the player controls Max. They also control his Magic Marker. This lets them create different things that can help Max get through the levels. For example if Max needs to get up high your child will need to draw a staircase. But that is not all you see once your child draws something in the game world, real life physics some into play. So if they draw a stair case, but do not attach the bottom and the top to something then gravity will make it fall over. So the game makes your child think logically before they start to draw something.
The entertainment here is just through the roof. The idea of the game is that your child plays as Max. Max one day draws a monster in his drawing book. The monster comes to life in the book and starts messing up Max’s other drawings. Max then draws himself in the game and now he can try and fix the mess that the monster is creating. The game is just so much fun to play. Max controls like a platform character in that he can walk and jump. But the real fun comes from having to draw things in the game world to help Max out. For example you may have to draw a balloon around Max to make him float up, or another part of the game will have you needing to draw something heavy to drop on an enemy. The game is great in that it is very interactive and it really does make a kid feel like they are part of the game.
This is not a free game and it will cost a couple of bucks. But with that money you are getting a well made and fun game that will provide hours of entertainment. If you are sick of downloading free games that your kids get fed up with after just ten minutes. Then Max And The Magic Marker is a game that they will surely want to play from beginning to end. There are some hidden items that are scattered around the level which does add to the replay value of the game.
Child Friendliness
Now as this is an EA game there are advertisements (sometimes) for other EA games, but these were never an issue when my son was playing the game. In app purchases are not an issue at all which is great. Your child gets everything they would need to beat the game from the get go. The difficulty level is really fair and the game has a good progression of difficulty as the game gets to the later levels.
Max And The Magic Marker is a game that started life out a something of a flash demon for PC's. Since then though the game has really blown up and gaming juggernaut EA came in and bought the rights to the game. So now we have Max And The Magic Marker on a variety of different platforms. But this is a game that really was tailor made to be played on a tablet or a Smartphone. This game made a huge splash when it was first released, but for whatever reason it has really just vanished from people's minds, but the good news is it can still be downloaded on your device and it's a game that without a doubt your kids will have a ton of fun with.