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Quizlet-Flashcards & Study Tools App Review

App Info

Price: Free In-App Purchases


Quizlet gives users access to millions of flashcards created by other users and organized by topic and class.  The app allows users to create their own sets of flashcards, as well, and share with others or keep private.  Users can opt to have most flashcards read aloud, and there are matching games to help students practice the info.

Features include:

  • Millions of sets of flashcards
  • Practice with games
  • Create your own flashcards
  • Study any time and any place
  • See and hear information


Quizlet is a high quality app that will help students practice nearly any content.  The app is easy to use, with searchable sets of flashcards and the capability of creating assignments for classes and even password protected information.  Students can use flashcards created by others or make their own.


This app is a great asset to students learning any material that can be presented on two-sided flashcards, ranging from vocabulary through translations, and even to questions and short answers.  The app allows users to access Quizlet’s larger website easily from any device.  The advantage here is that hundreds of thousands of people world-wide have already taken advantage of this learning tool and created literally millions of sets of flashcards on nearly any topic imaginable.  The sets of existing cards, predictably, are of variable quality so users may need to check out several different sets to find one that meets their needs.  With so many available, chances are very good that someone has needed the same information that your student needs now and has already created cards that will help others learn the material.  The app will even read or pronounce the material on the card, or users can add short audio files to cards if desired.

Quizlet cards are two-sided flashcards.  There are many ways to use the learning tool, including putting a word on one side and a definition or translation on the other, writing a sentence with missing words on one side and the answers on the other, or writing the beginning of a statement or fact on one side and the ending on the other.  Learn the material by reviewing these virtual flashcards-try to recall the matching information on the other side of the card.  Once the information is in your short-term memory, practice with one of several matching games where cards are presented in random order and users need to identify the matching information for each.

Finally, teachers and even students can set up an account on Quizlet and create custom-designed cards that cover exactly the material needed.  These cards can be completely private, password protected, or shared with the larger community to become part of the huge collection.  It would be easy to create materials for a class and then give access just to class members.


This app is not intended to be entertaining.


Quizlet is a great value!  It’s free to use and can be accessed with the app or on the internet.  With millions of ready-made flashcards, there is something that will meet nearly any educational need.  The capability to make flashcard sets is also a real plus, since users can create customized sets that are tailored to their precise needs.  Users can choose to upgrade their access to Quizlet and gain additional organizational tools and flashcard creation tools, but the information about this option is just at the website, not in the app itself.

Child Friendliness

Parents or teachers should carefully monitor use of Quizlet by children under the age of 13.  If they use the app anonymously, there still can be questionable content on cards, since this is not monitored by the developers.  For example, a simple search for “pornography” turned up dozens of sets of flashcards focused on scholarly vocabulary for related collegiate psychology and legal classes.  I saw nothing beyond definitions of terms, but there is no way to check all of the sets.  Creative children could likely find (or post) things that aren’t quite so legitimate if they are not supervised.  There is provision to get parental permission to set up an account, if desired, for younger users.

  • NO social media
  • NO in-app purchase
  • NO 3rd party ads
  • YES ratings link (unprotected)
  • YES external links (unprotected)
Quizlet-Flashcards & Study Tools
Quizlet is a great tool for older students to use for memorizing and studying rote information from their own flashcards, their teacher’s sets, or even sets of flashcards created by other students in similar classes.
Child Friendly
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