
Water Gun Games: The Ultimate Summer Fun

Are you looking for a fun way to keep your children busy during the summer vacation? Are there many fun water gun games, which will provide you, and your brood, and their friends, with hours of super budget friendly, good clean, fun?

Yes, there are. Water gun games can be played on the beach, in the garden, and well, just about anywhere. You don’t have to have a swimming pool, to enjoy some fun with water, but an inflatable kiddies pool is a good idea to use as a water supply.


What Here

​Beat the Heat with these Fun Water Gun Games
​Super Soaker Fun
​The Water Gun Beach Ball Race
​The Fizzy Necklace Target Game
​Water Gun Freeze Tag Or Tag
​Capture The Water Balloon Flag
​Ping Pong Targets
​Pyramid Cup Targets
​Water Gun Cup Race
​Water Gun Art Painting Game
​Water Gun Games Are Great Summer Fun

​Beat the Heat with these Fun Water Gun Games

​Super Soaker Fun


The best water guns to use are the super soaker guns. These will not have to be refilled as quickly. If you are on a tight budget you can fill up clean spray bottles, and use these instead. There are many games that can be played, and you don’t need to buy any expensive material. The basic extras you need- string, plastic cups, ping pong balls, plastic beach balls, and empty plastic bottles.

​You can also combine the games, to make for some crazy birthday fun – for example, you could combine a ball race with a target game. The children will be distracted and trying to do two things at once, so it won’t be suitable for very young children, but older kids will love the challenge.

​The Water Gun Beach Ball Race

You will need a couple of blow up beach type balls, and line them up. When you blow the whistle everyone sets off, trying to get their ball across the finish line, only using their water gun. You could also turn this into a relay, and play in teams. Each person will have to take their ball along a set course, or just to the line and back. You could make this game harder by using markers that ball must be moved around.

​The Fizzy Necklace Target Game

​You will need to make a hole in a dissolving tablet like Alka-Seltzer, and thread through some string. Kids will love the extra fun element, and you can make a rule that your ‘ shooting power’ is over, when your necklace is fizzed out.

​Water Gun Freeze Tag Or Tag

The rules are quite simple, and you will only need one water gun. ‘It’ is given a water gun to shoot at a person, if they are hit they will need to freeze. For the player to thaw someone will need to crawl through their legs, or a fellow team member can ‘unthaw’ them with a shot. You could have more than one shooter if there are quite a few players. In a game of Tag, the water gun will be handed over to the person who has been shot.

​Capture The Water Balloon Flag

​This is a team game, where players are both trying to protect their flag, and capture the other teams. Each player will need to have their own water gun. Depending on the space that you have, you can also combine Capture the Flag with a Freeze element. If a player is struck they will have to freeze and be freed by someone from their own team. Realistically, the rules are there, but it’s really more about having fun.

​Ping Pong Targets

You will need some empty soda bottles, filled with sand. This will keep them stable. You can place them on a table, or on the ground, in a line, or in any pattern really. You will need to have two shooting lines, and you will need to decide how many shots, a player gets. It can also be played as relay game. You could set up two target stations, with the idea being that all the balls have to be knocked off, for a team to win

​You can also play to see who is the best shooter. You will need to space the targets out a little and get the shooters to stand in a line. Either they knock off the ball or miss. By moving the shooting line, or saying players have to take a giant step back, it will get harder, and harder. The best shooter is the last one left.

​Pyramid Cup Targets

​You will need empty cups to make a pyramid. Place three, as the base, and build up a pyramid. The idea here is to shoot down the whole pyramid. It’s a bigger target, so should be easier to hit. You could start off using pyramid cup targets, and they move onto ping pong ball targets or have different shooting stations. You could play as individuals, or as a relay. The winner either shoot down the pyramid fastest or the winning team, in the least amount of shots.

​Water Gun Cup Race

​You will need to make a hole in a plastic cup and thread a string through. Then you will need to attach the two ends of the string to two points. The idea here is to use a water gun to race the cup along. You could set up more than one Racing Cup Line, and have a Cup Race.

​Water Gun Art Painting Game

​You can be very creative too. You will need a large paper canvas, or t-shirts, and attach them to a wall. The idea here is to fill the water guns with washable acrylic paint, and create amazing designs. Make sure that the canvas, or shirts, are at least three feet off the ground.

​Water Gun Games Are Great Summer Fun

​Water gun games are a great way to have fun and to beat the summer heat. Be sure to get kids’ to wear their swimsuits, and of course apply sun protection too. It will probably all get sprayed off though, so if you are concerned about sunburn, then wearing old t-shirts is a good idea, as well as hats. You could also combine Water Gun Games with water balloons, and mix things up. Get ready for some good clean fun!