Bogga Vacation App Review
App Info
Price: $3.99
Most people dream about flying off to a tropical island for a vacation; Bogga Vacation makes it possible, for kids anyway. After packing their suitcases, turning off their cell phones and handing an attendant their tickets and passports, Bogga Vacation takes kids on plane to a tropical destination. Once there, they can build sand castles, enjoy fruity drinks and even search for buried treasure.
Features include:
- Three games to play
- Positive praise
- Non-verbal instructions
- Tropical sound effects
- Colorful graphics
From the soothing sounds of the ocean as kids build sand castles to the fly buzzing around as kids pack their suitcase, the graphics and sounds make Bogga Vacation a high-quality app. Parents may even prefer having kids build sand castles with this app to building sand castles on an actual beach because they turn out perfectly every time and there is no sand to drag home.
Bogga Vacation is not a traditional educational app. Instead of teaching young children basic math and reading skills, it focuses on teaching them about planning a trip. Kids will learn how to pack a suitcase and a little bit about shapes as they match objects to their shadows. They will also learn that cell phones have to be turned off on planes and that tickets and passports are required for travel. Signs, maps and non-verbal instructions are used to guide kids through app, helping them build non-verbal comprehension skills.
Once your phone or tablet is full of pictures of your children’s sand castle creations, you will know they love this app. The cheers, thumbs up signs and other forms of positive praise will encourage the kids to keep playing the games within the app and make it even more entertaining. Kids will have fun not only building sand castles, but also reading the map and looking through a telescope to find buried treasure and putting fruits in the blender to make delicious tropical drinks, then drinking them down.
Bogga Vacation is worth every penny. For the price, you get three high-quality games and sounds and graphics that offer the feel of a tropical vacation. When you compare the price of building sand castles in an actual tropical vacation or building sand castles in the Bogga Vacation app, Bogga Vacation wins hands down.
Child Friendliness
Because instructions for the app are largely non-verbal, younger children may have trouble figuring out what to do. However, detailed instructions are provided for parents so they can easily help them out. The instructions and other grown-up elements are accessible by clicking on the grown-ups button and tapping a key twice to gain access. The app is also free of ads, social media and in-app purchases, keeping kids in the app and focused on the games.