• Editor Rating

  • Rated 5 stars
  • Best of the Best

  • DreamHouse Tasks
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 100%
  • Education
    Editor: 90%
  • Value
    Editor: 100%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 100%

Review Summary:

DreamHouse Tasks is an easy to use app to teach children a bit of responsibility with day and night time chores that parents can customize.

[appimg 781157894]

App Info

Price: [app 781157894] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app]

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Dream House Tasks is another app featured in our Chore & Behavior Apps for kids post that helps to teach children various responsibilities around the home. This app not only helps children remember what tasks need to be done and when, but it also helps them track what they have done each week in order to earn a reward. Parents also get to set up the specific chores that need to be completed each day/night as well as how many stars are needed for each reward.

Features include:

  • Great illustrations
  • Easy to use
  • Multi-user function


At first glance, parents will notice the lovely illustrations and images that will appeal to children. The cartoon-like images are clear and very well done. The developers have also included some simple customization options for each profile where users can set the background colors and select their own animal avatar. While there is little in terms of audio, the simple ‘dings’ that are played as children complete their tasks can help to motivate young children as they complete their chores. The user interface is also very easy to use as children simply have to tap and touch the various stars in order to begin their task and can tap the ‘end’ button when they have completed it.


The main function of DreamHouse Tasks is to help children remember what chores/responsibilities they have each day/night. After a bit of parental set-up, children are able to see 4 rooms of the house along with various stars in each room which indicate a task that must be accomplished. For instance, in the bathroom parents might choose to have a star on the bath tub to indicate bath time and a star on the toothbrush for children to remember to brush their teeth.

As children move through their day/night routine they would be able to see what stars they still have to earn and what tasks need to be completed. Once they tap a star to complete a task, a ‘start’ button appears that they will tap when they have begun their task. Once they are complete the task they will tap “done and will earn their star.

In the initial set-up, parents dictate how many stars must be earned in order to earn a reward which should be communicated to the child as they begin using the app. Overall, this is a great app for children to learn their day/night responsibilities in a fun way.


Not rated for entertainment.


Priced at just under a dollar, this app is a great deal. When you consider the many tasks that children can be assigned and the multiple profiles that can be set up, this app is a steal. Parents with multiple children will likely find this to be a great app to have when teaching about chores and responsibilities.

Child Friendliness

DreamHouse Tasks does require a bit of parent set-up initially with setting up the chores etc., however this app is made for children. With awesome illustrations and simple tap/touch technology this app is very easy for children to use. The developers have implemented some protective measures regarding the set up etc. as parents must set up a password that they will use when assigning tasks and rewards.

Parents will also appreciate the fact that this app is safe to use since there are no social media links or in app purchases to be concerned with.

DreamHouse Tasks is an easy to use app to teach children a bit of responsibility with day and night time chores that parents can customize.

Editor rating
Rated 5 stars