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GardenLab App Review

App Info

Price: $2.99


With GardenLab children will learn a bunch – mostly things related to the life cycle of plants, primary and secondary colors as they grow flowers in various colors and the satisfaction in seeing the outcome of their hard work.

Features include:

  • Simple in-app instructions
  • Challenges
  • Multiple user profiles
  • Child-safe play environment


High quality design elements make GardenLab a pleasure. The graphics, animation, background sounds and colors all come together to create a lovely learning environment.

The in-app instructions act as a simple guide on most of the required actions. Younger users may need adult supervision.


GardenLab is a great way for children to learn what it takes for a plant to grow, almost as good as digging in the dirt. The things children will learn by using this app are numerous and varied; science related topics such as how the sun and rain play an important role in how well plants grow and the actual steps in planting a seed; math related topics such as addition and subtraction as they spend their hard earned hearts in the store to purchase seeds and other things for the garden; and art/creativity related topics such as primary and secondary colors and how primary colors are used to make secondary colors.

Younger users will need assistance in completing the challenges and shopping in the store. Four categories of challenges are available; some very simple, others much harder. The challenges play an important role in extending the educational opportunities of the app.

The store is a terrific method in teaching kids how to earn, save and spend their earnings wisely. Children earn hearts to spend in the store by caring for their plants; adding additional methods for earning hearts would be beneficial, especially for younger users. A large variety of seeds, clothes for their character and garden features are available for purchase.


Children will love being able to choose to play as a boy or girl, being able to change the look (hair, eyes, etc.) of their character would be a fun addition. The environment is enjoyable as birds chirp and butterflies flutter in the background. Even when it is raining the feel of the app is cheery.

GardenLab is an app that requires a lot of user interface and children will most likely want to give that time. Little things like the times when clouds are not becoming available fast enough to water the plants before they die may cause some frustration, especially after the child has put in a lot of time and effort to create special colors and are close to completing one of the more difficult challenges.


The ability to create three user profiles is an important feature for families. Families and schools will appreciate the great price, too. Making this a universal app would offer families and schools more flexibility.

Child Friendliness

Parents will not need to be concerned about their children accessing social media links, in-app purchases and such. GardenLab is a completely child-safe app. All purchases made within the store are made with the hearts earned by tending the plants.

Kids will receive great satisfaction in watching their garden grow. GardenLab provides numerous educational opportunities and hours of entertainment; all this and more at a reasonable price.
Child Friendly
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