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Gro Garden App Review

App Info

Price: $2.99


It takes minutes, not months, for kids to plant vegetable seeds and harvest a bountiful crop. Through the process, and two other fun games, kids learn a lot about gardening and healthy eating.

Features include:

  • Three different games
  • Rewards for completing tasks
  • No verbal or written instructions
  • Multiple animated characters


From the peppy background music and smooth music as the sun shines, to the sound of the rain and the scurrying of bugs, kids will feel like they’re actually out in nature. This feeling will only increase as they begin to plant their own garden and experience the plants growing step-by-step, then harvest their vegetables and bring them to the table.


While kids do not have to follow an exact process for growing and planting seeds, as they play the game, they learn what it takes to make plants grow. After planting the seeds in the ground, kids must alternate between watering and spreading sunshine on the seeds to help them grow. Once they’re fully grown, they can harvest the seeds and take them into the house for the animals to enjoy. The game also teaches kids about concepts such as healthy eating and how bugs, dead leaves, and uneaten vegetables can be used to create compost to help new plants grow.


For many kids, watching their seeds grow and harvesting them will be enough. However, there’s more to the game than just that. Within the three games, kids can enjoy smaller tasks, such as catching the bugs that try to eat their seeds, wiping down the table after the animated characters eat their vegetables, or catching falling leaves and feeding them to the bugs that randomly pop out of the compost pile. Kids can earn rewards too. As they successfully plant seeds and harvest vegetables, kids earn new types of seeds to plant. Eating healthy vegetables comes with a reward too – delicious cupcakes.


Gro Garden costs about as much as a packet of high-quality seeds, yet takes the kids through the process of planting, harvesting, and composting in much less time than the actual process. It offers a good introduction to gardening and healthy eating for kids.

Child Friendliness

When kids enter Gro Garden, they see three different locations and a cute animated bunny jumps out to show them where to start. Once they get started, a gloved hand randomly appears to show kids what to do, but it’s largely up to them to figure out how to play the game. In some areas, such as the garden and at the house, it’s easy for kids to figure out. In other areas, such as the compost pile, it’s a little more difficult. However, even if kids cannot figure out the exact instructions, the app still offers them plenty of ways to play.

Gro Garden
Gro Garden
It takes minutes, not months, for kids to plant vegetable seeds and harvest a bountiful crop. Through the process, and two other fun games, kids learn a lot about gardening and healthy eating.
Child Friendly
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