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MessagePet App Review

App Info

Price: Free


MessagePet is a self-contained messenger app that allows users to communicate with connections via text messages without incurring data usage or message costs. Users can also set up subaccounts for their pets (2 on the free version and 15 on the paid version) that will allow the pet to send and receive “messages.”

Features include:

  • Free on the App Store
  • Easy to set upEasy to use
  • Send messages from your pets and receive from others’ pets
  • Connect with other pet owners on the app’s sharing system


MessagePet is easy to use and could be a lot of fun. Let personalities shine using multiple pet profiles as well as your own. Pets can “chat,” take selfies, and more. The app includes a brief tutorial that is helpful in set up and getting started.


This app is not intended to be educational.


Nearly every pet owner enjoys imagining what their pet would say or making comments on their behalf. Now you can take the game a step higher by letting your pet send texts to your contacts within the app. Pets can talk about their current situation, their thoughts on life, or anything else you can dream up.  You can attach photos to the messages, so your pet can “send a selfie.” The game could be quite entertaining, especially for friends and family members who are distant and miss a favorite animal, such as a child away at college.

The app also offers connections with other app users via a posting board where you can “like” and “follow” others. Users may find some like-minded pet owners there and make friends in the real world.


This app is free on the App Store. The free version allows you to set up two pet profiles in addition to your own, which will be plenty for most people.  In order to message others, though, both parties need to have the app installed on their devices. Once that’s set up, you can message as much as you want.

Child Friendliness

This app has unprotected in-app purchases, as well as third party advertising and the capability to encounter other users of the app.

  • YES unprotected in-app purchases
  • YES 3rd party advertisements
  • YES unprotected social media system
MessagePet is a cute app that will entertain and amuse pet lovers by allowing owners to send and receive messages as their pet. Imagine putting your pet’s words, wants and wishes out for the entire world to see (or at least your connections through the app). It’s social media for pets!
Child Friendly
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