Sago Mini Robot Party

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Sago Mini Robot Party App Review

App Info

Price: $3.99


Sago Mini Robot Party allows young users to stretch their imaginations as they create literally billions of possible robots and then take the inventions to the Robot Party where they can make music, decorate cupcakes, swat at the piñata, and more.

Features include:

  • Easily mix and match robot parts to create an almost unlimited number of designs
  • Explore the party scenes and help the robot interact with the devices on the screen
  • Encourage young children to expand and use language and story-telling skills
  • Snap pictures of robots and save them in the Photos section
  • Play anytime and anywhere-app does not require an active internet connection


Sago Mini Robot Party is a wildly fun app for toddlers and preschoolers. The interface is intuitive, and kids will quickly figure out how to swap the various parts to create a new robot each time they play. Each screen is interactive, so there are lots of things to explore. The app includes a Parents’ section that will explain the value of this type of play. The one concern is that the “More Apps” section, called “Trucks and Diggers” in the lower right corner of the screen seemed to have some bugs in it-I tried it six separate times, and it opened correctly on two of those occasions. The other attempts hung up my device and showed the graphics at an extremely large size. It wasn’t a big concern, but since that section is easily accessible to the young players, it might be worth a look to find out what was going wrong.


Sago Mini Robot Party is very educational in a free-form sort of a way. Children will love the independence of creating their very own robot figures each time they play, and then deciding what to have those characters do at the party. The app will certainly encourage language skills and storytelling, and with just a little guidance from a caring adult, can be a great boon to self-expression. It’s perfect for impromptu lessons on color, number, comparisons, same and different, and much more. Be sure to have the young users take time to name their robots and to describe both the appearance and the personalities of their creations. The app is designed to save each creation in the Photos section of the iPad, and so prized creations can be shared with others quite easily with just a little support from parents.


This app has so much potential to create so many different robots that it will be tough for kids to tire of it. Imaginative children will people entire worlds, I’m sure, and will have imaginary robots interacting with one another as they create new friends during each play session. Parents should consider printing out the pictures and allowing the child to use them to illustrate a book or a scene from a robot party. The possibilities are nearly endless.


This app costs $2.99 in the App Store, and that’s a good value because kids are likely to return to it again and again. The robots are silly-looking and sure to please most children, and who doesn’t love being given artistic license to create an endless variety of anything? This app would be a great investment, especially for families that have multiple young children or classroom settings where many kids could enjoy creating robots

Child Friendliness

Sago Mini Robot Party is safe for children to use, but it does have an easily-accessible section of more apps by the same developer. This section includes videos that are essentially commercials that kids could watch on their own. All links in this section are well-protected, but the videos are certainly designed to intrigue kids and make them want to bug their parents to purchase other products.

  • Parent area (contains external links & social media)
  • NO 3rd party ads
  • NO in-app purchase
  • YES “more apps” (protected, but visible)
Sago Mini Robot Party
Sago Mini Robot Party
Sago Mini Robot Party is an entertaining and creative app that will spark the imaginations of toddler and preschool users as well as encourage them to build self-expression skills and have a great time creating robots.
Child Friendly
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