• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • Fun with Colors
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 90%
  • Education
    Editor: 90%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 90%
  • Value
    Editor: 80%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 100%

Review Summary:

Kids learn colors through a cute interactive story, fun color games, and an animated drawing activity.

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App Info

Price: [app 743887439] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app] Download on the App Store


Fun with Colors helps kids learn their colors in three different ways: through an interactive story, through a series of coloring pages and games, and through an animated drawing activity. As kids listen to the story, they’ll be introduced to the major colors as they argue with one another and begin to learn how they can work together to create new colors and other special designs. After reading through the story, kids can move on to the color games where they view pictures, and then must drag the correct colors into versions of the pictures where the colors have been removed. Finally, kids get to access the animated drawing activity where they create their own pictures using a variety of wiggly colors with funny eyes, just like those they encountered in the story. All of these activities not only help kids understand their colors, but also give them a chance to connect with their creative side.

Features include:

  • Interactive color story
  • Animated drawing activity
  • Fun colors games
  • Available in six languages


The light background allows the colors to stand out as kids read through the story and interact with the different games. The intuitive design makes it easy for kids to move from one activity to another from the main screen and also to move from one page to another in the story. However, while reading the story, kids may find it a little more difficult to interact with the illustrations. Sometimes fingers point out interactive elements, while other times kids must figure out how to interact with the illustrations on their own and it’s not always incredibly intuitive. When they do figure it out, however, kids will enjoy playing around with the colors, combining them to make new colors, and even just seeing their funny eyes as they move across the screen.


This colorful app helps teach kids their colors in three different ways. Of all three activities available within the app, the story offers the most opportunity for kids to learn. While the words aren’t highlighted as they’re read, the names of colors are highlighted within the text, helping kids associate the word with the color. For example, yellow is highlighted with yellow text and red is highlighted with red text. The rest of the app could improve slightly by offering more color identification in the other activities, for example, by saying “red’ when kids choose the red color during the drawing activity or one of the color recognition games.


The app offers the perfect level of entertainment for toddlers and even some preschoolers who need to build their knowledge of colors. While kids cannot draw complex pictures with the drawing up, they can make the various lines and squiggles toddlers delight in making anyway. The story may be a tad long for the targeted age group, but there are enough interactive components in the illustrations that most kids will not notice the length because they’ll be too busy playing.


With three different activities for kids to complete, including a fairly interactive color story, Fun with Colors offers a little more than the traditional color recognition app. It also has a higher quality feel than apps that cover similar concepts.

Child Friendliness

The main screen of the app encourages kids to directly move to one of three main activities. All of those activities have been designed to make it easy for kids to quickly learn how to interact with them, although the story illustrations do appear a bit clunky at a time. A parental block keeps kids from accessing the settings screen and on that screen parents will find more advice for keeping their children within the app.

Kids learn colors through a cute interactive story, fun color games, and an animated drawing activity.

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars