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Kids Vehicles 1 App Review

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Price: $1.99


Just Saving My Money is another great Little Critter story by Oceanhouse Media that teaches children about earning and saving their money for a specific purchase. With great sound effects, text highlighting, and narration options, this digital storybook app not only teaches children about saving, but allows them to work on their reading skills as well.

Features include:

  • Text highlighting
  • Narration options
  • Voice record
  • In-app game


Oceanhouse Media always provides high quality storybook apps with clear illustrations and fun sound effects and this app is no different. While this particular app does not have any animation, the sound effects and lively narration really help to bring the story to life. Children will also find it very easy to use as they can tap and touch the various pictures and words to hear them read aloud.


The educational component of this particular story is two-fold as children are learning a very valuable lesson about earning and saving money as well as practicing their reading skills. By reading the book on their own or hearing the narrated version (and following along with the highlighted text) children are able to practice reading and recognizing new words. They can also tap and touch the illustrations to learn more vocabulary that may not be included in the text. The voice record option is also great for parents who want to record their own narration or for children to practice their reading skills aloud.


If you have read some of the other Little Critter digital book apps you know that they typically have an in-app game for children to play as they read. On each page the illustrators have hidden a spider and mouse for children to find(by tapping their picture) as they read. At the end of the story they can view their score. This added activity adds a bit of fun to the story and helps keep children engaged though it may be distracting for some children trying to play the game and read the story.


Currently offered at just under a dollar, this app is a steal! When you consider what you might pay for the hard copy version of the book and the high quality illustrations, narration options, and how often your little one is going to read this story, this a great value.

Child Friendliness

I personally love finding apps for my son that have the “parent” areas protected in some way and Oceanhouse Media always does a nice job keeping their apps child friendly. The main page of the app offers a link for other apps and information, but in order to access this area, users must swipe the screen in a very specific way. There is also a small advertisement for another app by the developer in the upper corner, however it too is protected which is great.

The user interface is perfect for children of all ages as it responds to tapping, touching, and swiping the screen to get to the next page so even young children can enjoy this great story.

Just Saving My Money
Just Saving My Money
Another great storybook app from Oceanhouse Media that teaches children about earning and saving money.
Child Friendly
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