• Editor Rating

  • Rated 4.5 stars
  • Highly Recommended

  • Peppa Pig's Party TIme
  • Reviewed by:
  • Published on:
  • Last modified: November 19, 2019
  • Quality
    Editor: 100%
  • Education
    Editor: 0%
  • Entertainment
    Editor: 100%
  • Value
    Editor: 80%
  • Child Friendly
    Editor: 100%

Review Summary:

Peppa Pig's Party Time has some high points and some low points. While there are several extraordinarily fun games, there are also quite a few games that don't quite cut it. If your child isn't into designing things, three of the games will be completely ignored. Also, those design games have a limited number of choices so once you have designed something, your child is unlikely to design it again. On the other side, the three party games are extremely fun and they have multi-player ability. It would have been nice to have a few more party games to off-set the design games but it doesn't really change the overall enjoyment of the game. Peppa fans will love the game regardless.

[appimg 451791697]

App Info

Price: [app 451791697] {price}
AppStore User Rating: {stars}[/app]


Fans of Peppa the Pig will love helping Peppa organize a party. Seven games walk your child through each step of planning a party, having fun, and remembering the good times.
Features include:

  • No in-game purchases or data mining
  • Several multi-player games
  • Available in 6 languages


If this was not based on an existing property with an established look and sound, some might think the quality was lacking. However, both the animation and the narration are identical to those of the cartoon. As a result, the level of quality shoots through the roof.


This app has not being reviewed for educational content.


All seven games are rather enjoyable. The first three games allow you to design the invitations for Peppa’s party, create the party bags for the guests, and make and decorate the party cake. After the guests have arrived, the next three games are actual party games. Pass The Parcel is fairly similar to Hot Potato, Musical Chairs brings back a classic party game, and Pinata has the guests pull hanging ties to relieve the pinata of its delicious candy. All three of these games have multi-player aspects. Finally, you place the party photographs into a keepsake album. Each of the games has its own fun bits that children would enjoy.


It is difficult to place a value on this game. While it is very fun to play, there are only seven levels and one of those levels is putting photographs in a book. There is also a rather low level of replayability. On the plus side, three of the games have the ability for multi-player so kids might have a bit of fun with their friends. If your child isn’t a fan of Peppa Pig already, the game might get quite boring rather quickly.

Child Friendliness

The game is a P2 Kid Safe App, meaning there are absolutely no in-game purchases or data gathering systems. A few of the games are designed to accommodate multiple players. If a child tries to play all four characters alone, they will likely have trouble reaching the controls. However, that doesn’t effect the child-friendliness of the game very much.

Peppa Pig's Party Time has some high points and some low points. While there are several extraordinarily fun games, there are also quite a few games that don't quite cut it. If your child isn't into designing things, three of the games will be completely ignored. Also, those design games have a limited number of choices so once you have designed something, your child is unlikely to design it again. On the other side, the three party games are extremely fun and they have multi-player ability. It would have been nice to have a few more party games to off-set the design games but it doesn't really change the overall enjoyment of the game. Peppa fans will love the game regardless.

Editor rating
Rated 4.5 stars